Christopher Frazier
Mr. Christopher A. Frazier, a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, began his musical journey at a very early age. He studied at Louisiana State University where he performed in the LSU Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, the LSU Symphonic Band, and the LSU Jazz Ensembles. Although his primary focus was Orchestra, he also studied Jazz at Southern University under the direction of the Jazz Great, Alvin Batiste. Mr. Frazier received his B.S. in Music Education, and began conducting in the year 2000.
Over the past 22 years, Mr. Frazier has been the Director of Orchestras at several middle and high schools in East Baton Rouge Parish. He is currently the Orchestra Director at his alma mater, Baton Rouge Magnet High School. His orchestras have performed in National Festivals in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, and New York. They have also received Superior Ratings during State Assessments and Gold Awards during National Competitions.
Mr. Frazier is a member of the Louisiana Music Educators Association (LMEA), the National Association for Music Education (NAFME), Author and Co-Coordinator of the Louisiana Multi-District Orchestra Assessment, and Multi District Honor Orchestra (MDHO). He is currently serving as Treasurer of The American String Teacher Association Louisiana Chapter (LA-ASTA).
Mr. Frazier has dedicated many hours and has devoted his time to shaping and creating successful students. He is consistent with providing professional literature and allowing his students performance opportunities as well as a quality musical education. He is dedicated to assisting and encouraging his students with their education beyond high school.
Mr. Frazier is not only a successful Orchestra Director, he is a Talented Composer and Jazz Musician. He is also a loving father and wonderful husband who enjoys spending time with his family. In his spare time, he enjoys composing music, performing, cooking, and traveling. He strongly believes in his Orchestra Motto: “Making Music a Lifelong Endeavor”.
Contact Us
Annie Young-Bridges - President
David Saccardi, PhD - President - Elect
Michelle WilkinsonNelson - Secretary
Christopher Frazier - Treasurer